Bishop E. Bernard Jordan is a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, which cause his eyes to burn with a vision for the Body of Christ that shall impact the entire world.
Born a native of Brooklyn, New York, Bishop Jordan received his ultimate calling at the age of 15, where he was summoned to prophesy. By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet.
Bishop Elijah Bernard Jordan is the founder and Senior Pastor of Zoe Ministries since 1983. Zoe Ministries had its beginning in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in attendance. A thriving prophetic church with a vision to impact the world with the gospel, Zoe continued to develop the facets of ministry under Bishop Jordan’s leadership that marked it as a church in pursuit of destiny; called to fulfill the will of the Lord. Armed with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity.
Zoe Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally. Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching, Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics that are applicable to any office of ministry. He is also noted for his uncanny accuracy of the prophecies that he ministers. Businessmen, political officials, celebrities and churches are numbered among the thousands who have consulted Bishop Jordan for counsel and direction through the Word of the Lord.
Bishop Jordan teaches biblical principles and ethics essential to successful living. His life-changing messages on reformation and liberation have sparked acclaim, as well as controversy, as he teaches the unadulterated Word of God. A liberator in his own right, Bishop Jordan is charged with preparing the church for the New Millennium and stands with the heart of a father, acknowledging that he is but one of hundreds of thousands called by God to prophesy. His teachings have stabilized many who were floundering with a gift in manifestation without understanding the order of God.
He has traveled to Swaziland, South Africa, and delivered the Word of the Lord to the Queen and the Royal Family. He has prophesied in many nations, including Germany, Canada, Korea and the Caribbean, bringing an astute word of counsel to the leadership and royalty of those countries. In February 1988, he was invited to address a special assembly of ambassadors and diplomats at the United Nations concerning the oppressive racism in South Africa. He addressed the assembly again in February 1992, and prophesied of the impending liberation of South Africa, which has come to pass.
Upon his consecration in 1994 as a cabinet Bishop by His Eminence, Archbishop Roy E. Brown, Bishop Jordan continues to emerge as a leader among leaders, bringing hundreds of pastors into a new awareness of their destiny through motivational teachings and The Word of the Lord.
Bishop Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable. He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally. Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his views concerning social issues.
A gifted lecturer and renowned host of “The Power of Prophecy” national telecast, Bishop Jordan’s talents are notably enhanced by his ecumenical calling as a prophet of God. He has also initiated the production of Zoe Ministries’ nationally known album “Come Together,” on Benson Records.
As stated earlier, Bishop Jordan has impacted governmental officials on many levels. He was awarded proclamations of recognition from Governor Mario Cuomo, former Governor of New York, and Mayor David Dinkins, former Mayor of New York, for outstanding leadership and community service for establishing OPERATION: HOPE, designed especially to feed the homeless community in New York. Bishop Jordan has also forged a relationship with the New York State Correction Commission to help develop and guide the lives of young women assigned to Riker’s Island Stepsister Program. He has received numerous awards and proclamations from political officials around the world that are too numerous to mention, for he is widely respected as a man of integrity and admired for his generosity.
Bishop Jordan is a modern-day prophet whose ministry is absolutely astounding! Like Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar Cayce, the accuracy of the gift that operates in Bishop Jordan will astound you! He is known to predict exact names, dates, and times of events both individually and globally! His visual perception is so exact that he is able to give accurate descriptions of locations that are pertinent to the recipient of the prophecy! Bishop Jordan differs from those who can operate with extra-sensory perception, for his calling as a prophet endows him with a degree of authority. As a prophet, he can truly decree a thing and see it established---just like the prophets of the Scriptures! He is not one just to give information, but he is also known to create miracles and circumvent events merely by the power of his speech!
Like any prophet as indicated in the Scriptures, Bishop Jordan also possesses a phenomenal insight into the universal truths of the Divine, and he has a unique ability to motivate people to move beyond mediocrity and embrace excellence in their lives. Bishop E. Bernard Jordan lectures extensively, both nationally and internationally. He is frequently called upon to declare his message that all may attain Zoe-which is a Greek word meaning “The God Kind Of Life,” after which the ministry is named. People all over the world have been brought to the sacred truth that they are not victims in life, but “Destiny is not left up to chance, but it’s a matter of choice!”
Bishop Jordan has made available to the public an extensive library of cassette and video tapes geared to impart the "Zoe --- GOD Kind of Life" Christian philosophy.
Thousands of people attribute their success, prosperity, health and happiness directly to the master teachings of Bishop E. Bernard Jordan. His dynamic teachings bring the inquiring mind principles of living a life that is resplendent with the attributes of wholeness and abundance sought by everyone.
In the year of 1997, God began a new thing in the life of Bishop Mar Elijah Bernard Jordan. God gave him a burden to raise up 300 Prophets (termed "Neophytes") before the turn of the New Millennium. Hence, the Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah was born, and 300 Prophets-in-training called "Neophytes" would become the foundation stones.
Mar Elijah flows with the wisdom and insight of the prophet Daniel, of whom the Bible says understood all the sciences. In their time and season, Moses and Joseph also understood the prophetic sciences of their day, enabling them to overcome their obstacles. The Neophytes under The Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah are trained not only to hear the voice of God and articulate it accurately, but are taught scientific ways of mind renewal and development using the Word of God and proven technique sciences.
As an author, Bishop Jordan has written over 40 books, that encompasses an astounding range of topics. He has written on such subjects as "Mentoring," " Spiritual Protocol," "The Power of Money," "Seed of Destiny," "What Every Woman Needs to Know About a Man," and many others too numerous to list.
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan earned his doctorate in Religious Studies in 1991, and in 1993, earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religious Studies. He serves as an adjunct professor for several colleges across the country.
Pastor Debra Jordan, his beautiful and accomplished wife, stands with Bishop Jordan in his global vision for ministry, and serves as Chief Financial Officer.
They are the proud parents of five children: Naomi, Bethany, Joshua, Aaron and Yakim Manasseh. Their vision of liberation shall literally shake the nations of the earth!